Alex Ortiz

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I started tennis around 10 years old at the YMCA and it was mostly so I could hang out with my friend. After half a year my friend went somewhere else to practice. I practiced there for another half year until I went to Blossom to train due to my coach at the Y leaving. At Blossom I started training a little more but nowhere near the amount I do now. I was starting to learn more. After a year there Coach Dave came and started coaching. Coach Dave helped me a lot with my one hander and overall I started working harder. I had improved my game a lot and was training more after practice on a lot of days. As summer camp started I decided that even if I wasn't there yet that I would get better by working for longer and would be more intense about tennis. I started showing up early, stayed late, came early, stayed late. I was working for 3 more hours than everyone else most days and ended up playing about 8 hours a day. after summer camps ended I worked just as hard and kept on improving. Looking back before those summer camps I wouldn't even recognize myself as the same tennis player or person.

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